25 Brave Men Tales from an Arctic Journey James Urness 9781627870344 Books Free Books Online to Read 25%20Brave%20Men%20Tales%20from%20an%20Arctic%20Journey%20James%20Urness%209781627870344%20Books
Free Books Online to Read 25 Brave Men Tales from an Arctic Journey James Urness 9781627870344 Books YZY
In 1881, twenty-five volunteers traveled north beyond Greenland to establish a meteorological outpost in an uninhabited land. They were supposed to receive fresh supplies the following year, but poor planning, ice, and weather kept the relief vessels from reaching them. On August 8, 1883, the men set out for Littleton Island to meet a rescue party. They journeyed more than four hundred miles by boat and another hundred on foot to find that nobody was waiting for them. When the rescuers finally arrived in June of 1884, only seven survivors remained; one died on the journey home. 25 Brave Men tells the story of every member of the Lady Franklin Bay expedition. With detailed accounts of their lives and deeds, James Urness pays tribute to the courage it takes to keep moving forward in the face of great personal risk.
James Urness,25 Brave Men Tales from an Arctic Journey,Wheatmark,1627870342,Adventurers Explorers,Biography Autobiography Adventurers Explorers,Biography Autobiography/Adventurers Explorers,Biography general,Expeditions Discoveries,History - General History,History / Expeditions Discoveries
25 Brave Men Tales from an Arctic Journey James Urness 9781627870344 Books Reviews :
James Urness,25 Brave Men Tales from an Arctic Journey,Wheatmark,1627870342,Adventurers Explorers,Biography Autobiography Adventurers Explorers,Biography Autobiography/Adventurers Explorers,Biography general,Expeditions Discoveries,History - General History,History / Expeditions Discoveries
25 Brave Men Tales from an Arctic Journey [James Urness] on . In 1881, twenty-five volunteers traveled north beyond Greenland to establish a meteorological outpost in an uninhabited land. They were supposed to receive fresh supplies the following year
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